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发布于:2022-12-17 12:29






Irislxm, a college student major in food science and engineering

When it comes to Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), most people think it can solve some troublesome diseases in a lengthy process. However,someone query the scientificity as well as side effects of TCM more or less.

Because I 'm a college student who major in Food science and engineering, I prefer to share my ideas about TCM from a way of keeping good health not just healing diseases.

When we talk about nutrition and health care, there exsit two systems(modern western nutrition and TCM)to assess whether we are healthy or not. So I wanna to alalyze the question by comparing the commons and differences between two systems.

The former system can be divided into three parts——human nutrition, clinical nutrition and food nutrition. What is most related to keep good healthy by ourselves is food nutrition. Six major nutrients necessary for human body are carbohydrate, lipid, protein, vitamin, mineral substance and water. Also dietary fiber is recogniazed as the seventh nutrient. There is a theory in modern western nutrition——all living things need energy. But the energy we take in and out everyday should keep a balance to ensure our body health. The three important energy suppliers are carbohydrate, lipid and protein from the food we eat everyday. But when our body consume energy, they will prefer to use carbohydrate, then lipid, and protein at last. It's also the reason for the difficulty of losing weight. At the same time, the energy release and consumption are mainly in four ways——basal metabolism(60-65%), thermic effect of food(5-10%), physical activity(25-35%)and growth and development.






The chart tell us the different intensities for people's different need. In other words, if you want to lose weight, of course you need to choose the light one of energy intake. Maybe many people know that there are lots of websites or apps helping us to know the calories of food we eat cveryday. So it's easy for us to grasp our energy intake. Except for carbohydrate, lipid and protein I metioned before, the rest nutrients also play important roles to keep healthy. I'm not in this to details.

As for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Old traditional doctor attach the significance of a balance to Yin and Yang and main and collateral channels smooth.If we want to keep healthy by TCM, we need to make certain our constitutions in TCM.

该图表告诉我们针对人们不同需求的不同强度。 换句话说,如果你想减肥,当然要选择能量摄入较轻的一种。 也许很多人都知道有很多网站或应用程序可以帮助我们了解我们每天吃的食物的卡路里。 所以我们很容易掌握自己的能量摄入量。 除了我之前提到的碳水化合物、脂质和蛋白质外,其余的营养素也对保持健康起着重要作用。 更多细节就不再阐述了。




The chart above I made is just a simple way to judge your own constitutions. In theory, everybody has a two or three mixed constitution. Also, you can have a more detailed test about your constitution on the Internet. Or visiting a traditional Chinese docter who will diagnose from four ways——look, listen, question and feel the pulse is a good choice too. As for the ways to change our constitution to a peaceful level, it's a long and difficult story. And I will share with you next time.

In sum, both TCM and MWN are pursuing the balance of our bodies to keep healthy. But TCM focus more on the essence of our body and what we like to eat or do while MWN care more about the scientific data which can reflect our body health. So it's hard to say which one is better. Maybe we can use both of them properly.

上面我做的图表只是一种简单地判断自己体质的方法。 理论上,每个人都有二三混合体质。 此外,您可以在互联网上对您的体质进行更详细的测试。 或者看中医,看、听、问、摸脉四诊也是不错的选择。 至于如何将我们的宪法改变到和平的水平,这是一个漫长而艰难的故事。 下次我会和你们分享。

总之,TCM和MWN都在追求我们身体的平衡以保持健康。 但中医更注重我们身体的本质和我们喜欢吃什么或做什么,而MWN更注重反映我们身体健康的科学数据。 所以很难说哪个更好。 也许我们可以正确地使用它们。

Robert Martinez, Acupuncturist in NY/NJ. I stick needles in people.

As a practitioner, naturally I feel very positively about Chinese medicine.


It works well when used correctly, and when I say used correctly I mean without any New Age hocus pocus Western hippie overlay that often winds up accompanying it. After all, Zhang Jong Jing, Hua Tuo, and Ma Dan Yang spent their lives looking to natural causes and not to mysticism. It's just that they lived at a time where they didn't have access to all the technology we have access to, so they had to formulate their theories based on what they could observe as best they could.

它在正确使用时效果很好,当我说正确使用时,我的意思是没有任何新时代 hocus pocus 西方嬉皮覆盖,通常会伴随它。毕竟,张仲景、华佗和马丹阳一生都在寻找自然原因,而不是神秘主义。只是他们生活在他们无法获得我们可以使用的所有技术的时代,因此他们必须根据他们所能观察到的尽可能多的东西来制定他们的理论。

I've answered this before, for the question, “Is Qi Pseudoscience.”Qiis not some airy-fairy magic ether pixie dust thing.Qiis a very important idea that helped early practitioners in their efforts. Basically,qiis a kind of placeholder for something you absolutely know is there, and the effects of which you can see and measure, but you don't have the tools or means to identify specifically. But, you can’t wait for MRIs to be invented; you have to treat then and there otherwise the patient or the person who came to you for help will perish.

对于“气是不是伪科学”这个问题,我之前回答过。气不是什么灵异的魔法以太精灵尘。气是帮助早期修行者努力的一个非常重要的思想。基本上,气是一种占位符,表示您绝对知道存在的东西,以及您可以看到和衡量的效果,但您没有专门识别的工具或方法。但是,您不能等待 MRI 被发明;您必须当时和那里进行治疗,否则患者或向您寻求帮助的人将会死亡。

So, what is the correct way? Diagnosing according to the theories is correct. Identifying the correct pathogen and then to treat using those modalities that are correct for that pathogen.


For instance, Dampness. Dampness has various characteristics to it. It’s heavy, it weighs you down, creates disinclination to move both musculoskeletally and physiologically, and so on. Does anyone believe that the person is really wet, and that a good blow-dry is what’s needed? No, Dampness has come to be a symbol of certain pathologies that can affect you. The correct answer therefore is to prescribe herbs thatare saidto dry Dampness; they do not actually absorb water like Bounty. Herbs likebai zhu, huang lian, zhu ling, fu ling,etc. Or, to use points such as Sp 9, St. 36, Kid 7, Ren 9, etc.

例如,湿气。湿气具有多种特性。它很重,让你感到压抑,让你不愿意在肌肉骨骼和生理上移动,等等。有没有人相信这个人真的很湿,需要好好吹干?不,湿气已成为某些会影响您的疾病的象征。因此,正确的答案是开一些据说可以干湿的草药;它们实际上不像 Bounty 那样吸水。中药如白术、黄连、朱苓、茯苓等,或用穴位如Sp 9、St. 36、Kid 7、Ren 9等。

Choosing other pointswon’t work.A good friend of mine had pernicious anemia and had to go to the hospital. He had an ulcer, and was digesting his own blood. Had he not gone, he would have died. He was stabilized, given blood, and eventually released, but the episode messed with the osmotic pressure needed to keep plasma and lymph where they’re supposed to be. He swelled up, and had lower body edema that he found difficult to clear.


He is very knowledgable about points but not formally educated. So, he was using his skills in acupressure to help himself, but without much success. He was using Liver 3, Spleen 6, and GB 34 to help with the edema. When he called me to ask my advice, I advised him that his selection was incorrect and he should use moxa on Kidney 7, Spleen 3, Spleen 9, St. 36, and crucially, Ren 9.

他对积分非常了解,但没有受过正规教育。因此,他利用自己的穴位按摩技巧来帮助自己,但没有取得多大成功。他使用肝 3、脾 6 和 GB 34 来帮助治疗水肿。当他打电话问我的建议时,我告诉他他的选择是错误的,他应该在肾七、脾三、脾九、圣三十六上使用艾灸,关键是仁九。

After using moxa on these, he began to urinate like a race horse, especially after Ren 9. He said he felt like he was standing there for five minutes, urinating. His lower limbs went back to normal very quickly.


My point is that just dismissing TCM as something akin towu xiagimmickry is wrong. So is revering it as something akin towu xia,like something magical and mystical. It isn’t. It is using the theories that ancients came up with using observation and analysis to use what they had at hand. It works remarkably well.


I would never advocate using TCM alone and dismiss Western. There are times when you need both, as my above story illustrates. As one teacher told me, often times we are the medicine of last resort; patients often come to the clinicafterhaving exhausted everything Western can do for them.


Finally, I would like to address mechanism of action, since it was brought up. Many modern antidepressants are prescribed in the Westdespitenot knowing their mechanism of action. Don’t take my word for it. Look it up. Time and again, when looking up various antidepressants, I found the phrase, “…mechanism of action unknown.” It’s not stopping anyone from prescribing them, though. Clinical depression is rough, and trying something is better than nothing.


Stephanie V, since you ask, yes, I do have opinions

About 14 years ago, in the autumn of 2000, I visited China for the first time. I had been in Korea for four days and then I was in Qingdao for six days, and on the evening of the third day in China, I began to feel as if I was catching a cold.

I woke up feeling unwell the next morning and went looking for some cold medicine. There was a big supermarket a block from my hotel and I combed all the aisles but found nothing.

I was alone and it was a Sunday and I didn't speak the language and I didn't really know what to do, but I had noticed that there was a hotel doctor so I went to the front desk to ask how to make an appointment. The doctor was able to see me within a few hours. She did not speak a lot of English but I was able to communicate that I had a cold and sore throat and I think I had a low fever.

She gave me some bright green tablets to take. I had no idea what they were. I was a little wary. Then I reminded myself that Chinese people had been dosing themselves with these remedies for thousands of years and I needed to just go with it. So I went back up to my room, took two of the tablets with some water, and went to bed.

I fell asleep quickly and a few hours later, in the middle of the night, I woke up to a strange feeling. For want of a better description, it seemed as if I could literally feel my cold breaking up inside my body. Inside my chest, inside my sinuses, it all seemed to be clearing up at once.

I took two more pills and went back to sleep.

In the morning I felt fine. Better than fine, really pretty great.

So I became convinced that traditional Chinese medicine does work, at least sometimes. I only wish I knew what was in those pills. I would stockpile that stuff and keep it in the house at all times if I could.









John Harris,former Veteran at U.S. Army

I think there’s important stuff to learn from it, and since medical errors are the third leading cause of death in my country, the US, I use it when opportunities present. While jogging in China I turned my ankle. We’ve all done it, this was a bad one. I could hear the crunching through my body, over my headphones, volume on high. I waved down some poor farmer and went to a clinic, where an x-ray revealed no fracture, surprising the doctor. I had an elephant leg by that time. That’s it for western medicine. RICE (Rest-Ice-Compression-Elevation), acetaminophen, and adios is the treatment.

At home, my Tai Chi teacher looked at it and asked if I wanted to try something traditional. He told me that most westerners couldn’t stand it. He went outside and collected a green plant. He crushed it up a bit, put it all over my ankle, and taped a plastic bag over it. Then he said I had to keep it on for a day. It started to itch. Really itch. Till I didn’t know whether it was an itch or burning. Then I was sure it was burning, but having had the integrity of everyone from my side of the world brought into question, I was prepared to watch my foot melt off. When I removed the dressing the next day, I was amazed. There were areas on my foot and up on my leg bruised black, but nothing where the plant was. You could see the outline of the leaves at the edges. It had somehow drained all of the blood and most of the swelling. It was truly incredible. I’d guess it sped the healing process by a month. It had also done a huge amount of damage to my skin, which felt rough for months, but it was an easy trade off. I’m still amazed by that one. I wish I knew what that plant was.

So yeah, I think we need to look at it a lot more closely.

我认为有一些重要的东西可以从中学习,而且由于医疗错误是我的国家美国的第三大死亡原因,我会在机会出现时使用它。在中国慢跑时,我扭伤了脚踝。我们都做到了,这很糟糕。我可以通过我的身体听到嘎吱嘎吱的声音,通过我的耳机,音量很高。我招呼了一个可怜的农民,去了一家诊所,在那里的 X 光片显示没有骨折,这让医生感到惊讶。那时我已经有一条大象腿了。西医就是这样。 RICE(Rest-Ice-Compression-Elevation)、对乙酰氨基酚和 adios 是治疗方法。



Tim Chang, lives in China (2013-present)

If you get sick and want to live; don’t use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Proven causes of disease such as: bacteria, viruses and genetic defects; these concepts don’t even exist in TCM.How can TCM claim to treat anything if it doesn’t even understand the underlying cause of disease?

Instead a concoction of herbs is prescribed with nomechanism of action.Mechanism of action is how a drug goes about achieving it’s effect. For example, in antibiotics, antibiotics work by attacking the cell walls of the bacteria, human cells don’t have cell walls and therefore are not affected.

Further, two different TCM practitioners will often prescribe two different concoction of herbs.

Proper diagnosis is also severely lacking in TCM. TCM does not make use of any diagnosistic equipment such as blood pressure monitors, ultrasound, CAT scans, MRI, X-ray, blood tests etc…How can TCM treat anything if it can’t even diagnose the disease properly?

Instead, TCM cites an imbalanceqiorheatas the cause of disease. Thisqi/heatis not measurable, and doesn’t exist. You’d think after 2500 years history, TCM would have invented something to measure thisqi/heatand quantify this imbalance.

Even TCM practitioners acknowledge that for diseases such as cancer, TCM should only be used to “compliment” western medicine. They know their herbs aren’t going to work against uncontrolled cell division.

In most cases of TCM, the body’s own immune system has done all the work, and you’ve just spent good money buying a bunch of useless herbs.

如果您生病并想活下去;不要使用传统中药 (TCM)。





相反,中医认为气或热失衡是疾病的原因。这气/热不可测,也不存在。你会认为经过 2500 年的历史,中医会发明一些东西来测量这种气/热并量化这种不平衡。



Gary Siu,lives in London

Disclosure: I used to work for a TCM wholesaler

It’s a very mixed bag. Firstly TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) covers a range of traditions and they are certainly not equally researched or effective.

All the disciplines have considerably room for variability. For example herbal medicine use often complex blends of herbs that have seasonal variability. This is administered on a patient by patient, case by case basis and different practitioners may give different prescriptions to the same patient(!) This makes it extremely difficult to test for repeatable results.

In my personal opinion, the underlying theories are pre-scientific nonsense: balancing of “humours”, Qi and meridians etc. There is also the question on how big an impact the placebo effect plays and how effective treatment is on non-Chinese patients. I’ve heard practitioners spout the latest trendy pseudoscience about GMOs or mobile phone usage. Not inspiring.

However I cannot discount it’s effectiveness totally. I’ve seen swelling/inflammation disappear nearly immediately when treated. Patients walk in with chronic skin conditions which have bothered them for years despite standard dermatological treatment and see visible and obvious improvements after a few visits. Pain is managed, bones are set. People keep recovering and responding to treatment.

I feel at its heart, there are at least some effective treatments and I hope that one day they can be reconciled with scientific knowledge.







Mike Wu, lives in China

Ten years more ago I had a sore shoulder and trying to lift my fist above my shoulder would hurt, painfully. The problem persisted for more than half a year, doctors couldn't help and I had to rely on painkillers but still couldn't lift my arm beyond the shoulder.

As a businessman I was part of a small Singapore government organized delegation to Beijing. We were greeted by a Chinese official who was coincidentally also the government liaison representative of the Shaolin Temple.

After a welcome dinner we were taken to an official rest house for a massage. I informed the masseur about the shoulder. He told me to close my eyes and placed his finger on my forehead. I saw round waves of light in the dark, startled I opened my eyes.

The masseur pressed his forefinger on various parts of my shoulder and arm. I felt nothing but my arm was flopping about on its own! Skeptical me was trying to see if his finger or hand was hooked up to a battery pack but there was no sign of any such devices.

After the treatment I was able to lift my arm and the pain was gone. The masseur was an ex Shaolin monk using Qigong. The official told me that 99.99% of all Qigong practitioners are fakes. The real ones work for the government.







In fact, a team of Shaolin healers travels with the martial team on their trips. While the world watches the marital arts performances, the healing services are offered to VVIPs of the countries they visit.

I don't laugh any more about traditional Chinese medicine. There are still lots to learn and the science is progressing on this.

事实上,一队少林治疗师在他们的旅行中与武术队一起旅行。 在全世界观看婚姻艺术表演的同时,为他们访问的国家的 VVIP 提供治疗服务。

我不再笑中医了。 还有很多东西要学,科学也在这方面取得进展。

Justin Mitchell, Lived and worked 10 years in China

Not a lot of positive thoughts. But I’m still open. It isn’t scientific as western medicine understands science. I had health woes while in Beijing and, encouraged by Chinese friends, used some TCM. It wasn’t helpful and it was wasexpensive as the western clinic I was using, and frankly, tasted terrible and was not reassuring. There are bits of it that have crossed over with some success to western words such as acupressure. But the bitter herbs and more that cost as much as cocaine, especially with no results. Occasionally I would get into friendly disagreements with Chinese friends about TCM and ask them what TCM has done to stop whooping cough, polio, alleviate HIV, etc and they couldn’t say. Some educated friends were shockingly ignorant of basic biological facts that those of us in the western world take for granted such as how babies are conceived. There is also a very dark side to TCM that encourages the use of endangered animal parts such as tiger bones and rhino horns for male potency. Hell, that’s what counterfeit Viagra is for, don’t you know?


Guo Wei, writing & living in China

Many Chinese people view the traditional medicine as the last resort during a medical treatment. If a person gets sick, it is very likely he or she would go to a modern hospital for help. This is especially true in cities.

Also, a typical treatment in China would consist two phases, the first phase is when the patient will be in hospital receiving treatment of modern medicine. When the patient is well enough to leave hospital, the second phase begins, when they would be advised to take traditional medicine treatment at home.

In China, traditional medicine is sometimes called poor man's choice. You haven't enough money, well, try see a traditional "Chinese" doctor (compared to "western" doctors of modern hospital) and take traditional medicine.

Sometimes I will take traditional medicine if I catch a cold, but my nerves turn colder when I see "side effects: Unknown" on the medicine box. Yes, this is perhaps like a gamble, fortunately, I've been winning in all the past gambles, but who knows what for the next time?





Christian Kober, Having lived in China for 17 years

I have yet to see the person who relies on traditional Chinese medicine instead of

taking a tetanus shottaking a rabbies vaccinetaking antibiotics to fight the bubonic plaguefighting Cholera the western wayfighting Typhoid the western waytaking insulin or relying on a sugar - conscious dietusing antibiotic eyedrops for a cornea inflammationrelies on acupuncture during a root canal treatment instead of novocaine or some other anestheticetc……….

Given the lack of randomized double blind trials and the resistance of TCM practitioners to take part in such trials, I think it is difficult indeed to believe in TCM. Naturally given the fact that traditional remedies can be efficient, certainly some TCM medicines can be helpful. Yet this has nothing at all to do with TCM theory and has all to do with the fact that in every culture over time some plants have been found to have medicinal effects. (but again, these effects seem to mostly work on diseases which are very unspecific and not life-threatening).











鉴于随机双盲试验的缺乏以及中医从业者参与此类试验的阻力,我认为确实很难相信中医。自然地,鉴于传统疗法可能有效,某些中药当然会有所帮助。然而,这与中医理论完全没有关系,而是与这样一个事实有关:随着时间的推移,在每种文化中都发现了一些植物具有药用功效。 (但同样,这些效果似乎主要适用于非常非特异性且不会危及生命的疾病)。

Samantha Jeng, Front Desk Receptionist at Embassy Suites Hotels (2016-present)

TCM or traditional Chinese medicine and the practice of acupuncture are not tied to a particular religion or belief system. Many of the theories fundamental to TCM have no counterpart in Western medicine and therefore sound foreign and unfamiliar. One such notion is qi (‘chee’) defined as our vital life force or energy. These concepts were born out of an ancient culture to explain natural phenomena that humans experience, regardless of culture, ethnicity, or belief systems. Chinese Medicine is now used all over the world by practitioners of all races, nationalities, religions, and genders. It has evolved and adapted as it blends with the cultural and medical understandings of different communities.

中医或传统中医以及针灸的实践与特定的宗教或信仰体系无关。 中医的许多基本理论在西医中没有对应物,因此听起来陌生和陌生。 其中一个概念是气(“chee”),定义为我们的生命力或能量。 这些概念源于古老的文化,用来解释人类所经历的自然现象,而不论其文化、种族或信仰体系如何。 现在,世界各地不同种族、民族、宗教和性别的从业者都在使用中医药。 它随着不同社区的文化和医学理解而不断发展和适应。


本文出自 喜人号 ,原文链接:https://www.sxir.cn/7526.html 。如若转载请注明出处。



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